Jeff Platt, CEO
The Big Kahuna
Jeff Platt is the Chief Executive Officer of Kokua Technologies in Medford, New Jersey. Kokua is the Hawaiian word for help, and Kokua Technologies embodies the spirit of helpfulness. Prior to Kokua Technologies’ founding in 2012, Jeff founded Graphical Interface in 1989 which dates back to a time when most businesses didn’t even have computers!

Jeff’s “People Friendly” approach focuses on explaining everything to his clients in a manner they understand, and Jeff is known for his analogies! He knew that if he did things for the benefit of the client, he would also benefit through loyalty and referrals. Evidence of that success is that his first client has moved, grown, changed names, and is still a client, along with many others that have worked with him for over a decade. Without marketing or advertising, Jeff grew his company providing technical support and solutions throughout New Jersey, Center City, Conshohocken, Reading and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Boston.
These days, his clients include the state of Colorado as well as 5 of the companies created by the founder of Arizona Iced Tea.
Kokua is a company of helpers, who happen to be expert technologists.
Jeff is a graduate of Widener University with a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Economics.